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Who Am I?

I am someone who lives solely in tune with the calling of the heart ie soul/source.

A Channeler of Universal Energy, Subconscious Wizard, someone who feels being in home as being in Nature.

A being who values love, innocence, kindness & purity of heart.

Pioneer of Art Of Nothingness.

Why I started this website?

I always felt there was something missing.

In my heart, there was some dissatisfaction with how things are going around.

I was tired of being told what to do & what not to do

I had crossed the limit for tolerating hurt.

Deep within I sought peace, healing and the real meaning of life.

I searched the internet, books etc. but found nothing which could satisfy me.

Then I looked within & the answers revealed themselves

So I started this website to help people like me find the answers within themselves

To find peace, heal, improve & get clarity in life.

I post articles & quotes.

On topics which require more in-depth discussion are covered in e-books.